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This page presents a selection of media interviews organized by argument. See the FGN - University of St. Gallen webpage for the complete list of my media appearances in newspapers, TV, radio, podcasts, etc.
Asian development from a global geo-political perspective (includes China, India, and other Asian countries)
2023 November 28th, Interview on Deutsche Welle about China and the West
2023 September 19th, Interview on Voice of America about the battery race between China and the European Union
2023 September 11th, Interview on TRT World about China's property Crisis.
2023 August 3rd, 12:30 pm, Interview on BBC News about actual Turkish inflation.
2023 August 3rd, 7:30am, Interview on BBC World about expected Turkish inflation.
2023 June 19th, Interview on Al Jazeera on African Union in the G20.
2023 April 15th, Interview on TRT World Strait Talk about de-dollarization.
2023 March 1st, Interview on France 24 about China's rapid recovery.
2023 January 17th, interview on Wion TV about China vs India demographics and growth challenges.
2023 January 17th, interview on Al Jazeera about China's demographic downturn.
2022 December 22nd, interview on BBC World about global inflation.
2022 December 20th, interview on Al Jazeera about how China can massively recover if it uses its monetary "secret weapon" and overcomes technological isolation.
2022 December 15th, interview on Al Jazeera about China's recent economic challenges.
2022 December 13th, interview on TRT World about the question: "Is Washington pressuring Europe over China?"
2022 December 7th, interview on BBC News about China's trade and how it needs to change its Covid policy
2022 November 28th, two interviews on China's protests against Xi Jinping's Zero-Covid policy. Please find the links here:
TRT World
2022 November 24th, interview on WION TV on China's self-inflicted recession and Xi Jinping's disappointing the young. His interview starts at minute 4:00 on this link.
2022 October 31st, Guido Cozzi discussed some of the causes and consequences of Xi Jinping's Zero-Covid policy on TRT World.
2022 July 15th, interview on TRT World about China’s recent GDP growth slowdown.
2022 June 28th, interview on Deutsche Welle on the G7 alternative to China's Belt and Road.
2022 June 22nd, interview on TRT World about the economic crisis in Sri Lanka and the IMF and donor's meetings.
2022 May 16th, Interview on TRT world. Guido Cozzi claimed that China's lockdowns are a consequence of China's reliance on less effective vaccines. GC argued that they need to import our mRNA technology to win against the pandemic.
2022 April 2nd, Interview on TRT World about the new Covid lockdowns in China, the EU-China Summit, and the sanctions on Russia
2022 March 14th, Interview on TRT World about causes and global interactions of China's new lockdown
2021 December 15th, Interview on TRT World - Money Talks. GC is commenting on the latest released data and claimed that China's slowdown is a sign of its transition to a healthier growth path.
2021 November 10th, Interview on TRT World on Stagflation risks in China.
2021 November 1st, Interview on TRT World Now about the Hong Kong economy faced with extreme Zero-Covid restrictions.
Macroeconomic Shocks, Fiscal and Monetary Policy
2023 November 22nd, Interview on BBC News about Turkey's monetary policy scenarios.
2023 September 21st, Interview on BBC News about
Turkey and the UK monetary policy scenarios.
2023 March 6th, Interview on Class CNBC (in Italian) on Credit Suisse and monetary policy a few minutes before the ECB interest rate announcement. The ECB's decision was in line with Guido Cozzi explanation.
2022 December 22nd, interview about global inflation on BBC World.
2022 December 8th, interview (in Italian) on Class CNBC about inflation, FED/ECB, yield curve inversion, etc.
2022 October 09th, interview on WION TV about global inflation, oil prices, monetary policy, interest rates, and redistribution. GC interview starts at minutes 5:00 on this link.
2022 August 12th, Interview on Class CNBC (in Italian) about the US inflation and the FED and ECB's future moves.
2022 April 4th, Interview on BBC World about Turkey inflation and monetary policy
2022 January 20th, Interview on BBC World ahead of the Turkish Central Bank path-breaking interest rate decision.
2021 December 12th, Interview on TRT World on inflation, fiscal and monetary policy, Turkey, Africa, Covid-19 vaccines and recovery.
Short extract
2021 January 22nd, Interview on Class CNBC Milano Finanza, commenting on Christine Lagarde's talk.
Covid-crisis, vaccination, and IPR
2021 June 9th, BBC interview ahead of the WTO discussion of Europe's counter-proposal to Biden-endorsed Covid-19 vaccine patent waiver. The European compulsory licensing proposal facilitates knowledge transfer without too much harm to innovation.
2021 March 15th, Interview on Class CNBC Milano Finanza about Italy's new vaccination program and the European policy to incentivize vaccine production and licensing.
2021 February 2nd, Interview on Class CNBC Milano Finanza, about the latest Italian GDP releases, on the vaccination campaign, and on the possibility of emergency procedures on Covid-19 vaccines IPRs.
2020 October 22nd, Interview on Class CNBC Milano Finanza about the government measures to mitigate the economic crisis due to Covid-restrictions.
Europe and the European Economies
2024 March 21st, Interview on TRT World on farmer protests and EU imports from Ukraine.
2023 April, 6th, Interview on BBC on the forthcoming pharmaceutical reform of the European Union
2021 December 30th, Interview on Class CNBC Milano Finanza on the Italian budget law, rising debt, and Mario Draghi's government future.
2021 December 14th, Interview on BBC News about the Turkish Lira in rough waters and the self-inflicted certainty of uncertainty.
2021 October 9th, Interview on Strait Talk - TRT World about Turkey replacing China as a favorite destination for European firms. He claimed that the low participation of women in the workforce is a significant obstacle - with two men employed for each woman.
2021 August 16th, Interview on Class CNBC Milano Finanza on the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation and Mario Draghi's government first semester.
2nd of April 2021, Interview on Strait Talk - TRT World about the grand Istanbul Canal project and its implications for the economy of Turkey.
2021 March 25th, TV-Interview on "the edge" about the EU Summit, Covid vaccines, Brexit, Boris Johnson, Biden, Turkey, China, etc.
2021 February 26th, Interview on Class CNBC Milano Finanza about Mario Draghi's European leadership and Covid-19 vaccine patents sharing.
2021 February 11th, Interview on TRT World about the Greek crisis, debt, and recovery.
The global macroeconomics of the Russia-Ukraine War
2022 December 22nd, interview about global inflation on BBC World.
2022 October 09th, interview on WION TV about global inflation, oil prices, monetary policy, interest rates, and redistribution. GC interview starts at minutes 5:00 on this link.
2022 March 8th, Interview on TRT World Strait Talk, alerting about the food security implications of the Russia-Ukraine war and the sanctions.
Pharmaceutical Industry Regulation
2023 April 6th, Interview on BBC World on the forthcoming pharmaceutical reform of the European Union.
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