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Action Required

As a member of the Equal Opportunity Committee at the University of St. Gallen (GK-HSG), since 2019 I have been trying to sensibilize colleagues on the importance of gaining a greater understanding of the determinants of the chronicle underrepresentation of women academics in economics departments.

I am grateful to James Davis and Reto Foellmi for giving me this opportunity; to Gudrun Sander, Margaret Davenport, and Beatrix Eugster for valuable input.

Purl: Woman in Economics, Another World is Possible! Purl | Pixar SparkShorts - YouTube

GENDER ISSUES IN ECONOMICS Gendered Language on the Economics Job Market Rumors Forum† By Alice H. Wu

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2023 -The European Commission has included the Elite Quality Index in their “Composite Indicators & Scoreboards Explorer” just three years after its launch.

6 December 2022, Project Syndicate, "Fortunately, a new study by Tomas Casas i Klett and Guido Cozzi from the University of St. Gallen provides a useful conceptual framework for understanding the Chinese economic model."
Zhang Jun, Dean of the School of Economics at Fudan University, Director of the China Center for Economic Studies

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